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I am a Certified EOS Implementer® - my passion is helping business owners and decision makers get more of what they want out of their business and more of the life they want to live. Click on link above to learn more about EOS and how I help you get a grip on your business!


Business Owners, Founders, CEOs, Presidents, Key Decision Makers typically bring me in when they are experiencing these five frustrations:

1. Control: The business is controlling you.

2. Profit: There’s not enough of it.

3. People: You are frustrated with employees, customers, suppliers, or partners that do not seem to listen, understand you, or follow through with actions.

4. Hitting the Ceiling – your growth has stopped. You can’t seem to get to the next level. You feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

5. Nothing is working – no matter how many great books you read or how many seminars you go to, whatever you take away from them to implement in your business doesn’t seem to stick.


I grew up in the family business. I helped a founder relocate his company and vertically integrate into manufacturing, becoming a predominate leader in its industry. And I have helped over 70 companies grow their businesses.


What I do for my clients:

• Train, Facilitate and Coach Leadership Teams in implementing EOS® toward strengthening the 6 key components of the business: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process and Traction. This gets the Leadership Team 3 things:

• Vision: getting everyone in your organization 100% on the same page with where you’re going, and how you plan to get there

• Traction: instilling focus, discipline, and accountability throughout the company so that everyone executes on that vision—every day

• Healthy: helping your leaders become a more cohesive, functional, healthy leadership team


What makes me unique:

1. Getting you Vision, Traction, Healthy.

2. My experience helping over 70 organizations grow, especially in privately held professional services, construction, manufacturing and nonprofit sectors.

3. My North American and International business experience.


Contact me and let’s get introduced!

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